Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Short Story

She looks so sad. It was as if she could hear the thought of the other people in the resturant in her own head. She caught a few glances from the diners. Poor thing I wonder if someone stood her up. No, she thought, no one stood me up because there is no one. This was why she hated going out to eat, but she was so tired of being home all the time, it felt like the walls of her apartment were closing in on her. She sighed picking at her food. She had barely eaten any of it. It wasn't as if she had gone to a really nice resturant, true it was one of the nicer ones in town but still, people go out to eat by themselves all the time. Just usually not here, she thought sullenly.

Poor thing she is so lonely looking. How sad, such a pretty girl. Maybe she is crazy. There must be something wrong with her. The thoughts seemed to pound into her head. Whatever, she thought, I don't give a damn what they think. But as she speared a pieace of already cut steak she knew she was lying to herself. She looked up again and the people who were glancing at her looked away, all but one. A guy about her age had just walked in, only he wasn't glancing, he was staring. It was bold of him, and his look said it all, he knew she was there alone. She couldn't make herself look away, and she saw him say something to the hostess and then he walked back to her table. Sliding into the other side of the booth he said softly but loud enough for those around to hear.

"Sorry I'm so late honey...I'm glad you ordered already, but you didn't have to wait for me to eat ." He smiled at her, and she found herself smiling back. This kind stranger had just saved her evening. She took another bite. Well aren't they a cute couple. How sweet of her to wait for him before she ate. She seems to happy now, what a pretty smile. The thoughts floated through her head, and she smiled again at the angel sitting across from her. Maybe, she thought, I won't have to eat alone any more.