Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rant About Small Town Life

Ok so for those people who are from EC you will know that this really is a small town...I mean really small. If you are somewhere you shouldn't be, EVERYONE will know about it because Lisa's mom's aunt saw you. You feel me now? Ok so here is the question I have for you:

If you know that you live in a small town and that everything you do will eventaully be found out why are you going to do something that you could get in trouble for? Or that will cause you drama? I mean when you are younger is all "well just don't let my mom know we walked to walmart..." but when you get older and you are still trying to do things on the sneak only now its from your significant other rather than you parents, you should know better. Because you know mom always caught you at walmart, and your boo is always going to hear that you were out with your ex hanging out in a dark parking lot waaaay after you told them you were going home. You can't hide it, it is why do people still try? Why do you have that glimmer of hope to get away with it...let me crush that for will NEVER happen. You may get away with it once or twice but it's rare, you are going to get caught.

People in this town talk way to much. The gossip will beat you home. And don't try to play like you didn't know. And all it takes is one person. You know you have that one friend that you are like "well I want to tell them this because they would agree with me but at the same time I know if I tell them they will tell someone else." And thats all it takes its like a giant freaking snowball. You tell that one friends with the big mouth something and your grandma from conneticut is calling you asking you about it an hour later. Think I'm playin if you want'll see.

So not only are you dumb for doing something you could get caught for then you make it worse by telling someone. It's a whole lot harder to cover things up once 1 person knows the truth. Because no matter how much of a liar that person you told is if what they are saying sounds better (well I guess worse really) than what you are saying people want to believe the other person (who is in fact telling the truth sometimes) but is known for lying. Because people want to believe the worst of someone, it makes them feel better about themselves. You know that your heart and mind are so much lighter when you and your friend are doing the same thing and they get busted for it and you don't because you were smart enough to keep your mouth shut. You see what I's all about being two steps ahead of everyone. If you are doing something that you know you could get in trouble for think it through and plan for every situation from every angle that you could get caught, have a way out and a lie to cover your ass and I bet you you won't ever get in trouble. Or at least not in as much as you would have if you got caught doing what you were really doin. Be two steps ahead smarten up for real. Don't out yourself this town is to small for that..on some real stuff.

And that two steps goes for more than just trying to stay out of trouble, or not get caught doing something bad. It works in all aspects of life. Be two steps ahead at your job, or with your friend. It will avoid so much drama and make your life so much simpler because you already see how things are going to go.

Now I know most people who read this will be like. "Hmm the only reason she knows this is because she is doing things on the sneak." Nope that's not it at all...I learned all this valuable information in high school from someone I played this two step game with for a long time. And you know what, I two stepped him right into getting married...tell me I don't know what I'm doin.

~Baby Girl~

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