Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Helluuurr. =)

So my V-Day was really good. L and I went to VA to hang out and a friend of ours came too. And then we met up with L's cousin T and his lil brother T and his girlfriend. So there was a big group of us. We went to one of the malls and then went to see Friday the 13th. I have to say it was pretty good, def had me jumping in some places. L kept joking me because I was scared lol. But it was so much fun.

So I was nervous about seeing my dad like I've said before because he has issues with L being black...however my Aunt text me yesterday and told me that we would be having pizza with my dad friday when I get in. And so I text her back to ask her if he knew that I was going to be there. And she said yes and that he wants to see me. So I'm a little surprised he wants to see me, but at the same time I'm trying not to get to happy about it just yet because I don't know if he is just being nice until I get out there and then I'm going to hear it. I don't know I'm just trying not to be to happy about it until I can see for myself how its going to go. But I have a little hope. =)

Well just an update. I fly out friday morning and I don't know how frequently I will have access to a computer so if you don't hear from me for a week thats why! =)

Baby Girl

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Car

Well I finally got a new car. Well it's not new but it's new to me and it's really nice. It's a 91 Dodge Stealth R/T for those of you that don't know thats the sports car for dodge. So it's pretty cute. Its two doors, Maroonish red and has 18 inch crome rims already on it. I will be taking pictures and posting them up here. This is honestly the nicest car I have ever had. I like it a lot. I feel so lucky that we found it and for a pretty decent price too. I'm really excited about having it. =) I took it to VA and spent the whole day up there hanging out with friends up there that I haven't seen in a while.

And as if the car wasn't great enough...I am flying out to Portland, OR to visit some of my dads side of the family whom I haven't seen in oh about 7 years or so. My dad doesn't really speak to me because he is racist and my husband is black so I haven't talked to him steady in the three years I've been married. I haven't talked to my PoPo (my granddad) in a few years but my Aunt Diana (my dad's sister) keeps in touch with me on the regular and she let me know that my PoPo is sick. So I am going out to visit. However, they have not told my dad, so I'm sure he'll be pretty surprised when I just show up out there. He will probably find out before but thats ok. I just didn't know if I should tell him. My PoPo knows now and he is excited about seeing me. And so are my Aunt and Uncle and my moms parents are like 25 30 mins away from there so I am going to drive over there. (My Aunt and Uncle own there own car lot so I get to just sign a car out for the week I'm there...pretty sweet huh?) And visit with them and the rest of my cousins and stuff. And my oldest brother lives out there so I will get to stop and see him, which should be interesting. We aren't that close but we get along. I'm excited to see people and family that I haven't seen in years. My best friend from 6th grade is out there and it's been a loooooonnnnggg time since we've seen each other. I'm so excited.

So that's my little update for now. Guess I should get back to work.

Baby Girl

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things About Me

I saw this on LuLu's page and I thought it looked like fun so I had to steal it. =)

1. I was in love with Aladdin

2. When I was younger I use to show my mom things like Vanna White, and for some reason she always had a camera.

3. I hate spiders.

4. I love to sing and I do it anywhere I can (Karaoke I heart you!!)

5. The Beatles make me happy

6. I love to read (I stayed in bed all day with the fourth book to Twilight if that says anything....)

7. I can not eat wilted spinach...I'll get sick

8. I like the nano babies and want one really bad.

9. One fourth of July my old youth group sold root beer floats and we made more then we needed so we had to drink them all...I still won't drink a root beer float.

10. I used to do Equestrian riding, and competitions.

11. I love ballet

12. Even though I'm older I love girls days and sleepovers.

13. I want to publish at least one book in my lifetime.

14. I cry when I watch Old Yeller and Were the Red Fern Grows

15. I've been getting on plane alone since I was 5.

16. If you get me really weak I never laugh the same it's always different.

17. My eyes change color based on the time of day or my mood.

18. I never really had one group of friends I stick too, I hang out with everyone.

19. I had my first kiss when I was six. It was from my first boyfriend too. And yes I even remember his name...

20. I found my first love when I was 12.

21. I had a stuffed dog that I called Dog when I was about three, my mom gave him to me for christmas I still have him.

22. Roses are my favorite flower.

23. I bungie jumped when I was 14.

24. I'll drop everything to help a friend

25. I love having lots of friends to hang out and take pictures with.