Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things About Me

I saw this on LuLu's page and I thought it looked like fun so I had to steal it. =)

1. I was in love with Aladdin

2. When I was younger I use to show my mom things like Vanna White, and for some reason she always had a camera.

3. I hate spiders.

4. I love to sing and I do it anywhere I can (Karaoke I heart you!!)

5. The Beatles make me happy

6. I love to read (I stayed in bed all day with the fourth book to Twilight if that says anything....)

7. I can not eat wilted spinach...I'll get sick

8. I like the nano babies and want one really bad.

9. One fourth of July my old youth group sold root beer floats and we made more then we needed so we had to drink them all...I still won't drink a root beer float.

10. I used to do Equestrian riding, and competitions.

11. I love ballet

12. Even though I'm older I love girls days and sleepovers.

13. I want to publish at least one book in my lifetime.

14. I cry when I watch Old Yeller and Were the Red Fern Grows

15. I've been getting on plane alone since I was 5.

16. If you get me really weak I never laugh the same it's always different.

17. My eyes change color based on the time of day or my mood.

18. I never really had one group of friends I stick too, I hang out with everyone.

19. I had my first kiss when I was six. It was from my first boyfriend too. And yes I even remember his name...

20. I found my first love when I was 12.

21. I had a stuffed dog that I called Dog when I was about three, my mom gave him to me for christmas I still have him.

22. Roses are my favorite flower.

23. I bungie jumped when I was 14.

24. I'll drop everything to help a friend

25. I love having lots of friends to hang out and take pictures with.


Kat said...

Only wilted spinach now? Last time I checked any variation of spinach set you gagging. :P

~Baby Girl~ said...

Well I figured out its mushy spinach that makes me sick...I still can't stand the smell but I can eat raw spinach in a salad.