Friday, November 28, 2008

Another Short Story

The street light is out up there, it’s so dark…this is scary movie material right here. I thought as I continued down the street. The wind picked up almost on que as I got to the edge of the darkness. I pulled my jacket tighter around me, the wind was biting at my cheeks and nose but I didn’t want to put my hood up. Can’t see what’s coming at you with the hood up. The small voice in the back of my head whispered. I shook my head trying not to scare myself more than I already was. Oh it’s too late for that. I thought miserably, cursing the fact that my car was broken and that I’d taken so long feeding my friends dogs.

The road ahead was pitch black, huge trees lined the road and hid a very small graveyard that was in the middle of the nothingness to my right. My skin crawled and I tried not to think about the graveyard. Grabbing my coat again I took my first few steps into the long stretch of shadows. It felt as though I had stepped into another world. My ears were straining for the faintest of sounds, and of course when you are listening you hear them. Maybe I should walk faster, I debated, no then I’ll get to the graveyard faster. Fear won and I slowed just a little, not wanting to make that gap between me and the resting souls smaller. I could cross the street…no there is water over there, great, which is worse getting killed by the ghoul hiding in the graveyard or swamp thing in the water? Maybe I could out run swamp thing…I shook my head again. This is ridiculous, what am I so scared of? There is nothing out here, and I’ve walked this way a hundred times. But never with the street light out. My mind seemed determined to fight against me. Every small comfort that I could try to lie to myself, my logical mind stepped on it, crushed it into little pieces and threw it out.

I was walking down the middle of the road to afraid to commit to one side or the other when I heard it. Faint foot falls behind me. I spun around but there was nothing there. My heart was in my throat thudding loudly in my ears. See you scared yourself now you’re hearing things. There is nothing there…nothing. I tried to slow my breathing, turned back around and stopped dead in my tracks. There ahead of me I could have sworn I saw a shadowy figured dart into the graveyard. Oh this is too much. I have to get out of here, do I go back or keep going? What was that? It must have been loose pieces of my hair. There is nothing out here! My mind was now trying to save me, but it was too late for that, fear was starting to take over. I looked behind me, I was half way from either end of the darkness. It made more sense to run towards home. There was light not to far up ahead. Scary things don’t get you in the light…yeah right, just run, run until you can’t any more. But what if it’s faster then me? Well then at least I tried. Don’t fall like the stupid horror movie girls, you’ll die for sure then. My feet seems to start moving without my conscious effort. I was walking quickly, not running not yet but walking very quickly.

I’m not quite sure if it was the movement or the noise that scared me into running, I didn’t really have time to think about it. A black figure zipped by out of the corner of my right eye, and the clear crunch crunch crunch of feet moving quickly over dead leaves was all it took. Run! Run now! And I did. I tore of down the street running full speed with no intention of stopping for anything. I didn’t dare look behind me. That’s when you fall. My brain offered helpfully. I pushed myself harder. The light was just ahead of me. If I can just make it to the light I’ll be ok…I’ll be ok. My lungs burned, and my teeth hurt from the cold air. Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes as the wind slapped me in the face like a cold brick wall. Almost there, almost there…

The figure stepped out in my path. It seemed like my blood froze and then some part of my brain that remembered everything from basketball kicked in. I pivoted to each side in a shuffle then darted to the right twirling around out of arms reach. My path was clear again and I bolted for the light. Not even bothering with the last few steps I launched myself onto the lighted pavement. I stumbled just a bit but caught myself and ran a few paces further. And that’s when I turned to look. What the hell? There was nothing there, and suddenly the street light flickered on casting an eerie glow on the old graveyard. I shook my head. I was terrified for that? But there was something there…wasn’t there? I turned and headed farther into the light. A faint chuckle caught my ear, and I spun around, but there was nothing there, at least nothing I could see. I turned slowly and jamming my hands into my coat pockets and I started heading towards my house which I could see coming up in the distance. I took a deep breath. Your ok, see, there is nothing, you just scared yourself and started imagining things. A faint smile started to spread on my lips, but died midway as the street light in front of me cut out. Again the chuckle reached my ears, only this time from in front of me. Oh no…not again. I pulled in a deep breath and got ready to run again. I am going to get home. I thought stubbornly. As if in reply to my thoughts I heard the chuckle again and the street light cut back on. I paused and then something inside told me to go. I walked quickly towards my house which was now only steps away, the lights in the window lit the yard. I breathed and sigh of relief as I stepped off the road into my yard. I was almost to my door when I heard it faintly on the wind, a whisper. You get a free pass…this time…

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Short Story

She looks so sad. It was as if she could hear the thought of the other people in the resturant in her own head. She caught a few glances from the diners. Poor thing I wonder if someone stood her up. No, she thought, no one stood me up because there is no one. This was why she hated going out to eat, but she was so tired of being home all the time, it felt like the walls of her apartment were closing in on her. She sighed picking at her food. She had barely eaten any of it. It wasn't as if she had gone to a really nice resturant, true it was one of the nicer ones in town but still, people go out to eat by themselves all the time. Just usually not here, she thought sullenly.

Poor thing she is so lonely looking. How sad, such a pretty girl. Maybe she is crazy. There must be something wrong with her. The thoughts seemed to pound into her head. Whatever, she thought, I don't give a damn what they think. But as she speared a pieace of already cut steak she knew she was lying to herself. She looked up again and the people who were glancing at her looked away, all but one. A guy about her age had just walked in, only he wasn't glancing, he was staring. It was bold of him, and his look said it all, he knew she was there alone. She couldn't make herself look away, and she saw him say something to the hostess and then he walked back to her table. Sliding into the other side of the booth he said softly but loud enough for those around to hear.

"Sorry I'm so late honey...I'm glad you ordered already, but you didn't have to wait for me to eat ." He smiled at her, and she found herself smiling back. This kind stranger had just saved her evening. She took another bite. Well aren't they a cute couple. How sweet of her to wait for him before she ate. She seems to happy now, what a pretty smile. The thoughts floated through her head, and she smiled again at the angel sitting across from her. Maybe, she thought, I won't have to eat alone any more.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Holidays

I love the holidays. I like snuggling up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and watching the snow fall. I like the corny christmas movies that come on year after year. I like going shopping for everyone. Christmas just puts me in such a good mood. I feel light hearted and happy. It's like Christmas time just wipes away all the bad things that happened over the year and makes everything clean and ready for the new year. And that is def what I need, a new start. This year to put it kindly, has been the worst fucking year of my entire fucking life. And that's putting it nicely. So I really need and new start.

I have a plan to start my new year with a better out look and more confidence. I am what most people around here would consider thick, not fat but not skinny you know what I mean? So I want to tone it up and get healthy. It's not so much about loosing weight which I know would be a plus, but its more about getting healthy. And I want to do it while I'm still young enough too. So much catches up with you when you get older and I'd rather my health be in a good state. So starting this month I, along with two other friends, plan on hitting the gym up every day during the week, switching between three days of 30 min cardio and two days 10 mins cardio but mostly weights. That's for the healthy side of my change.

As for the other side I've decided that I am going to get my nails done every other week, because it makes me happy to feel like I look pretty I mean what girl doesn't enjoy feeling pretty? And I've also decided that I am going to buy a new out fit every other week also. Again what girl doesn't enjoy feeling like she looks good. So it is with this new plan that I am going to step into the new year. And I am going with my plan already in motion.

~Baby Girl~

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rant About Small Town Life

Ok so for those people who are from EC you will know that this really is a small town...I mean really small. If you are somewhere you shouldn't be, EVERYONE will know about it because Lisa's mom's aunt saw you. You feel me now? Ok so here is the question I have for you:

If you know that you live in a small town and that everything you do will eventaully be found out why are you going to do something that you could get in trouble for? Or that will cause you drama? I mean when you are younger is all "well just don't let my mom know we walked to walmart..." but when you get older and you are still trying to do things on the sneak only now its from your significant other rather than you parents, you should know better. Because you know mom always caught you at walmart, and your boo is always going to hear that you were out with your ex hanging out in a dark parking lot waaaay after you told them you were going home. You can't hide it, it is why do people still try? Why do you have that glimmer of hope to get away with it...let me crush that for will NEVER happen. You may get away with it once or twice but it's rare, you are going to get caught.

People in this town talk way to much. The gossip will beat you home. And don't try to play like you didn't know. And all it takes is one person. You know you have that one friend that you are like "well I want to tell them this because they would agree with me but at the same time I know if I tell them they will tell someone else." And thats all it takes its like a giant freaking snowball. You tell that one friends with the big mouth something and your grandma from conneticut is calling you asking you about it an hour later. Think I'm playin if you want'll see.

So not only are you dumb for doing something you could get caught for then you make it worse by telling someone. It's a whole lot harder to cover things up once 1 person knows the truth. Because no matter how much of a liar that person you told is if what they are saying sounds better (well I guess worse really) than what you are saying people want to believe the other person (who is in fact telling the truth sometimes) but is known for lying. Because people want to believe the worst of someone, it makes them feel better about themselves. You know that your heart and mind are so much lighter when you and your friend are doing the same thing and they get busted for it and you don't because you were smart enough to keep your mouth shut. You see what I's all about being two steps ahead of everyone. If you are doing something that you know you could get in trouble for think it through and plan for every situation from every angle that you could get caught, have a way out and a lie to cover your ass and I bet you you won't ever get in trouble. Or at least not in as much as you would have if you got caught doing what you were really doin. Be two steps ahead smarten up for real. Don't out yourself this town is to small for that..on some real stuff.

And that two steps goes for more than just trying to stay out of trouble, or not get caught doing something bad. It works in all aspects of life. Be two steps ahead at your job, or with your friend. It will avoid so much drama and make your life so much simpler because you already see how things are going to go.

Now I know most people who read this will be like. "Hmm the only reason she knows this is because she is doing things on the sneak." Nope that's not it at all...I learned all this valuable information in high school from someone I played this two step game with for a long time. And you know what, I two stepped him right into getting married...tell me I don't know what I'm doin.

~Baby Girl~

Ok you can have some stupid moments...but really this is to much

Quotes by George W Bush

I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don't always agree with them.

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] - shame on you. Fool me — I can't get fooled again.

There ought to be limits to freedom. <~~ Really and we made this guy our president...hmmmm.

I think we all agree, the past is over. He kinda makes my head hurt sometimes.

I don't know whether I'm going to win or not. I think I am. I do know I'm ready for the job. And, if not, that's just the way it goes.

I've coined new words, like 'misunderstanding' and 'Hispanically'

I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe- I believe what I believe is right. Yeah cuz that made sense. As my friend Nyx said "Well I believe what I believe is right and what you believe is wrong...unless that's what you believe." My response "Yeah cuz that made sense." To which she said "I'm just emulating our president the way that I've been makes sense to me." I'm weak.

That's why I cut the taxes on everybody. I didn't cut them. The Congress cut them. I asked them to cut them. Umm ok....

I hope you leave here and walk out and say, 'What did he say?' Really because that's what most people said when they heard any speech given by him.

I made it very plain: We will not have an all-volunteer army. [Crowd boos] Let me restate that. We will not have a draft. [Crowd Cheers]

I can only speak to myself. This has become apparent since you are the only one that understands the shit that come out of your mouth.

"As you can possibly see, I have an injury myself — not here at the hospital, but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. The cedar gave me a little scratch. As a matter of fact, the Colonel asked if I needed first aid when she first saw me. I was able to avoid any major surgical operations here, but thanks for your compassion, Colonel."
After visiting with wounded (amputee) veterans from the Amputee Care Center of Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 1, 2006

There will be more to follow lol

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Funny Quotes

Everyone tries to get you to dance at clubs. And then I dance, and they're like 'not like that!' -- Mike Birbiglia

Every Sunny Delight commercial is exactly the same, three guys in the back yard, and one of them is like, "What do you got to drink in the fridge!?" Like so excited about the crappy fridge, and then they go to the fridge and its like, "Well, we’ve got some soda, some purple stuff, SUNNY D!!!" It was always there, behind Brand-X soda and some purple crap, that they couldn't even identify. Of course you’re going to pick Sunny D, that doesn’t mean it’s a good drink you guys. If you came to my house and you’re like "What do you got to drink?!" and I’m like "Well, we’ve got some ketchup, some gravy, my grandma’s piss, SUNNY D!!!" You’d be like, "Is there any lead in your water, because I hate all four of those." That should've been their slogan, "Sunny D, for when your choices are even worse than Sunny D." -- Kyle Cease

"Yes, this is Diane calling from the hospital. I just called to tell you that your ex-girlfriend Mia was killed today. She was helping retards and one of them exploded." And i thought that was so hysterical. and then he calls me up later and is like, "do you think this is true?" "yes, craig. exploding retards is a huge epidemic in our country." -- Kyle Cease

I saw this on CNN a few days ago. In Florida these cops freaked out. They shot at this guy 11 times 'cause they said he was holding a grenade.THE GUY WAS EATING A PEAR!! How do you SCREW that up? Unless he was eating it like "AHHHHHH!" *throws pear* "THAT'S A DELICIOUS PEAR!!!" -- Dane Cook

You ever have a dream where you get in an argument with someone, then the next time you see them they're like..."Hey, how ya doin'?"You're like... "Hey, fuck you! Don't act like you didn't push me off that cliff. You're lucky I had wings buddy, VERY LUCKY." -- Jim Gaffigan

Ever see that stranger who insists on walking the same speed as you? "Get away from me! What, are we on a date here? I don't even know you!" -- Jim Gaffigan

More to come =)

The First Post

As the title says this is the first post. I like to blog, I have a few but somehow I never manage to keep up with hopefully I will do better with this one. I guess I'll put a little info on me in here.

I live in a small town in North Carolina. It's expanding some but not that fast so yeah, there isn't really a whole lot to do. My friends and I mostly go up to Virginia to do our shopping and clubbing.

I'm 21, I've been married for almost three years, and I love to sing, act, dance, hang out with my friends and party.

I am one out of four presidents of our car club. We are known as the Chaos' Dark Daughters and Sons of Night. It's kind of a two part car club with a guys section and a girls section so it's a little different then most, and thats what we were hoping for. We are a group that likes to help out our local community by volunteering at various organizations.

For some reason really funny and weird stuff happens to my friends and I so if you want to laugh or are for some reason interested in what goes on in my life lol, be on the look out for more posts. =)

~Baby Girl~