Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The First Post

As the title says this is the first post. I like to blog, I have a few but somehow I never manage to keep up with them...so hopefully I will do better with this one. I guess I'll put a little info on me in here.

I live in a small town in North Carolina. It's expanding some but not that fast so yeah, there isn't really a whole lot to do. My friends and I mostly go up to Virginia to do our shopping and clubbing.

I'm 21, I've been married for almost three years, and I love to sing, act, dance, hang out with my friends and party.

I am one out of four presidents of our car club. We are known as the Chaos' Dark Daughters and Sons of Night. It's kind of a two part car club with a guys section and a girls section so it's a little different then most, and thats what we were hoping for. We are a group that likes to help out our local community by volunteering at various organizations.

For some reason really funny and weird stuff happens to my friends and I so if you want to laugh or are for some reason interested in what goes on in my life lol, be on the look out for more posts. =)

~Baby Girl~

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