Monday, November 24, 2008

The Holidays

I love the holidays. I like snuggling up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and watching the snow fall. I like the corny christmas movies that come on year after year. I like going shopping for everyone. Christmas just puts me in such a good mood. I feel light hearted and happy. It's like Christmas time just wipes away all the bad things that happened over the year and makes everything clean and ready for the new year. And that is def what I need, a new start. This year to put it kindly, has been the worst fucking year of my entire fucking life. And that's putting it nicely. So I really need and new start.

I have a plan to start my new year with a better out look and more confidence. I am what most people around here would consider thick, not fat but not skinny you know what I mean? So I want to tone it up and get healthy. It's not so much about loosing weight which I know would be a plus, but its more about getting healthy. And I want to do it while I'm still young enough too. So much catches up with you when you get older and I'd rather my health be in a good state. So starting this month I, along with two other friends, plan on hitting the gym up every day during the week, switching between three days of 30 min cardio and two days 10 mins cardio but mostly weights. That's for the healthy side of my change.

As for the other side I've decided that I am going to get my nails done every other week, because it makes me happy to feel like I look pretty I mean what girl doesn't enjoy feeling pretty? And I've also decided that I am going to buy a new out fit every other week also. Again what girl doesn't enjoy feeling like she looks good. So it is with this new plan that I am going to step into the new year. And I am going with my plan already in motion.

~Baby Girl~

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