Friday, December 12, 2008

Just a rant and a giggle

Let me first say that that I work at a credit union. I'm a Senior Teller. With that out of the way let me continue. "Hi can I help you?" Thats a common question in my line of work, or in any line of work where you have clients, customers or memeber. However that is rhetorical does not require an answer. Hi can I help you....yes. Obviously or you wouldn't be here if there wasn't something that I could do for you, you would not be here. And yet they answer anyways. Yes, sure, uh huh, yep...and the list goes on. Now you might be wondering why I don't change my question which leads me to my next topic. They don't listen.
"How can I help you?"
"Oh I'm good thanks." *Smiling*

I don't recall asking you how you did we go from what can I do for you to oh I'm good? It's like all they heard was "How.." And they filled in the blanks however they wanted. I wish I could do that.
"And"... "And I will give you a million dollars"
"I'd like to"... "I'd like to depoist this money into your account."
"Give"..."Give yourself a $20 out of what you are depositing for me"

And then you have the members that want to tell you doesn't matter what you said they are gonna tell you a story.
"OK so I deposited that to check for you can you sign the box for me."
"Oh goes faster than it comes in..."
"I know what you mean."
"Yeah I gotta go grocery shopping, and Johnny fell out of a tree yesterday, and.." I wish I was joking but I'm not. And I don't know why some members just want to lie to you. Like you don't know them at all but they want to lie and it's obvious they are lying.
"I'm about to sue so and so for running into my car. And they are going to pay me thousands of dollars for it.." I want to be like you are going to sue someone every other week you should have more then 2 cents in your account.

Ok so that's enough ranting lol I guess it's back to work. Joy.

~Baby Girl~


Anonymous said...

omg i know what you mean probably cause i am sitting right next to you going thru the same crap lol no wait... LMAO loan get it lol ok but really hahahahaHA entering THEDANEZONE here lol ok thats enough bye

Anonymous said...

LOL! I know exactly how you feel! I was a teller for about 4-5 years! And I always had the rudest people! Gotta love working with the public! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment you left. It does make me feel better and you are absolutely right about everything you said! Thanks!